Oatmeal balls are a good snack for babies, they are nutritious and pleasantly soft. Oatmeal balls are easy to make, they do not need to be baked in the oven. You can get a particularly beautiful red color by rolling balls into strawberry crumbs. Use agave syrup or honey to sweeten.


  • Quantity about 15 balls

  • 200 g of oatmeal

  • 1 pk (20 g) Põnni cornflakes with strawberries and apples

  • 1 piece (110 g) Põnn Strawberry Smoothie

  • 20 g freeze-dried strawberries, + 10 g for crushing

  • a little agave syrup or honey

  • 0.25 teaspoons of natural vanilla


1 - Mix the ingredients

Put all the ingredients in a blender and whisk until smooth (the mixture should initially be a little more liquid but mouldable. If the mixture is too solid, add a little water). Refrigerate the mixture for 30 minutes.

2 - Form balls

Shape-sized balls of the mixture in the form between the hands. Finely chop the freeze-dried strawberries and roll the oatmeal balls in the strawberry crumb until they are evenly covered.

3 - Serve and enjoy